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AGB Bergeralm Ski School –
Sport Messner – Steinach

Important notes for your order

  1. Private courses take place in all weathers.
  2. Cancellation of private lessons is possible free of charge until 4 pm the day before, after that we charge 50% of the paid private rate.
  3. Courses can be extended at the extension rate from the 3rd course day.
  4. The course ticket is not transferable! Unused course days expire!
  5. Multiple teacher changes are possible due to the flexible organization.
  6. If a group is reduced to less than 4 participants, we reserve the right to merge them or to reduce the number of lessons.
  7. The ski course fee does not include the use of the lifts.
  8. The ski school does not provide compensation for lessons lost due to breakdowns of the cable car and lift facilities.
  9. Price refunds due to injury or illness only with a doctor’s certificate. If days are not used, the difference will be refunded.
  10. We do not accept any liability for accidents that occur during or before ski lessons. Accident and liability insurance is the responsibility of the course participants.
  11. Subject to changes and typing errors.
  12. All deliveries and services of the Bergeralm Ski School based on online orders via the Internet or other online services are subject to these terms and conditions.

1. general

Unless expressly agreed otherwise, our General Terms and Conditions apply to all transactions between the Bergeralm Ski School and its customers. The object of the company is the operation of a snow sports school (ski school). This includes services such as the provision of instruction in the skills and knowledge of snow sports, in particular skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing (without any guarantee of specific training success) as well as guiding and accompanying snow sports, in particular skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing.

2. conclusion of contracts for offers, online price inquiries and prices:

Reservations for private and group courses can be made via the Internet, by telephone or directly on site. Reservations are only considered firm bookings after written confirmation by the ski school.
In exceptional cases, the Bergeralm Ski School reserves the right to change course times at short notice.
The offers of the Bergeralm Ski School are subject to change. Only our written order confirmations are authoritative for the acceptance of the reservation and the scope of the service. Verbal or telephone agreements are only valid if expressly confirmed in writing by the ski school.
For on-site bookings (private and group courses), a contractual relationship is only established once the necessary course tickets have been purchased.
All prices quoted by us are in euros and, unless otherwise agreed, are inclusive of statutory VAT. Price lists are without guarantee. No liability is accepted for printing errors.

3. terms of payment

For contracts concluded at the place of performance, the fee for the service to be provided must be paid at the ski school office.
In the event of late payment by the customer, we are entitled to demand interest on arrears in accordance with applicable law.

4. general conditions of participation

The contractual partner must inform the Bergeralm Ski School truthfully and comprehensively about his skiing skills and experience and must independently ensure that he has equipment that is appropriate to the level of skiing technique and the external conditions. He must also inform the Bergeralm Ski School comprehensively about his state of health and any ailments.
Before the start of the lesson, the contractual partner must independently arrange for the ski equipment (in particular ski bindings) to be checked by a specialist company.
The grouping of ski courses is carried out by the Bergeralm ski school. Should it be necessary to downgrade a participant, the contractual partner must comply with this decision. Otherwise the ski school is entitled to terminate the contract.
The contractual partner must follow the instructions of the ski school. Failure to comply with instructions and warnings entitles the ski school to terminate the contract immediately. The influence of alcohol or drugs entitles the Bergeralm Ski School to terminate the contract immediately.
In the cases described, the contractual partner is not entitled to a refund of the payment made in the event of termination of the contract.
If the number of participants in group courses is reduced to less than 4 people, the ski school reserves the right to combine the courses or reduce the number of lessons.

5 Liability provisions

Each participant is strongly recommended to take out health, accident, liability and international health insurance. Corresponding liability insurance policies are in place. The Bergeralm Ski School accepts no liability for accidents that occur during or before ski lessons. Accident and liability insurance is the responsibility of the participant

6. warranty

Any complaints must be reported immediately by the contractual partner to the ski school office in order to ensure that the situation is rectified. There is no entitlement to a reduction of the fee in the event of culpable non-disclosure. Claims against the Bergeralm Ski School must be asserted and substantiated in writing no later than 4 weeks after they arise.

7. resignation

For group courses, a refund of payments already made is only possible in the event of accident or illness, on presentation of the original receipt (course card) and with a medical certificate from a local doctor. The amount to be refunded will be recalculated on the basis of the services actually provided for this period. This reduces the total amount, but may increase the daily rates.
No refund will be made in the event of non-appearance at the agreed date or in the event of cancellation of an ongoing service.
In the event of weather-related course cancellations (force majeure), the fee paid will not be refunded.

8. place of jurisdiction

The competent court at the registered office of the Bergeralm Ski School shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide on all disputes arising from this contract.

9. choice of law

Austrian law shall apply.

10. legal effectiveness

Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the entire legal transaction. The ineffective condition shall be replaced by a condition that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the ineffective condition.